We are pleased to announce our first Pop-Up Exhibition of the 2022 called “Dark Times” by Dagmara Marcisz.
Opening Nigh Friday, May 20th, 6pm.
Dark Times" is a photo story showing the relations between the individual and the group. A person is born, then enters a community, eventually is rejected by it and they end up feeling lonely and sad. The new born is placed in a cave with primitive drawings on it, just as at the beginning of time.
The photos were taken using the analogue technique of film and developed in a darkroom. They were made on high-sensitivity film, Ilford Delta 3200 and this is why they are so graphic. They were then developed on multigrade Ilford paper using the old analogue technique. The artist used a special technique to soften the image.
Dagmara Marcisz is a Polish photographer and graduate of Art School in Toruń, Poland. Dagmara lives in Dublin and has previously lived and worked in Amsterdam, Athens and Lisbon.