General Conditions
To order from our online shop, simply browse our products, and click on any items that you wish to buy and put them into the shopping cart. Adding an item to your basket does not commit you to buy as you can always remove it later. You can review the contents of your basket at any time by clicking the VIEW CART button.
After you have finished your selection, click on “Checkout” and you will be asked for a few details that we need to be able to satisfy the order. Please ensure that you include the following information with your order, as we cannot process your order without this information:
- Name
- E-mail address
- Contact telephone number
- Card type
- Full name as displayed on the card, the credit card
- Number, and expiry date of the card
- Billing address
- Delivery address (This need not be the same as the billing address)
- Items you require
By clicking the Confirm button on the Confirm & Purchase Screen, you agree to these terms and conditions. Please carefully check your personal details and details of the goods to be provided before clicking the Confirm button. Once your order is processed and the transaction is authorised, the payment is debited from your credit card and the order will be shipped. We accept Visa and Mastercard credit cards and by PayPal.
ATTENTION : You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of your order and we shall supply you, subject to availability, with the quantity and specification of goods set out in your order. While your card may be debited before the contract is formed, if the order is ultimately rejected, a full refund will be made immediately.
Should you notice that any details are incorrect, after you have placed your order, you should contact us without delay in order to amend any inaccurate details. However, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to make any such amendments and do not accept any responsibility in this regard.